
Never Too Late 💪

Be Greater

Your past should not determine your future, yesterday is gone, today is present, while the future is still in your hands. Life is a test of time, time gives bigger opportunities to learn from it, don’t rush into actions not compared and examined before deciding. Set a archiving goals with objectives and work towards it, personal goals setting is essential because you establish your potential through it, human relationship, action, discipline, positivity, passionate, consistence, passiveness, persistence, perseverance, commitment, willingness to improve are the ingredients necessary for greateness, if not applied life becomes miserable, remember it’s never too late.

Be Focus

Every disappointment is a blessing, your expectations might not hit or meet your planned goals, don’t divert if you are on the right path because it’s just a test of time, remember every challenges are greater opportunities everydayness. Never underestimate the power of your thought rather encourage with positive reasoning, empower with positive learning, and team with potential people because they are the bedrock to success.

Be Focus

Never be contented with where you are so upgrade because you can do better than negative thoughts, remember failure is just an event not a person, develop through your failure and mistakes, life is a lesson so whatever comes your way is to experence which is the best teacher. Learn from greater people mistakes and success storyline.
Always aim to win to be a successor, achieve through your willingness by staying focus, although life can be ups and downs but remember your efforts is never wasted no matter how rough any day looks, so be willing to pay the price.

Your willingness to be a better personel should never be underestimate unless you are priceless


We can make an impact to change the world from depressed to impressed, from failure to success, from challenges to opportunities, from dependency to Independence, what it only requires is to know that it’s never too late to be greater.


F – First

A – Attempt

I – In

L – Learning

Failure is just an event not a person, stand up and be a champion because you are One

Continue reading “Never Too Late 💪”


Positive Mindset👥


     Mental attitude is relating to the mind or an intellectual process in which we reason as human, which can either be positive or negative, both the positive and negative can be influenced as a result of environmental and biological factor ranging from economic, political, social-cultural, and others varieties(influence). Our state of mind on daily basis is influenced by the activities, people, organization, books, videos, and things we dedicate our minds to every second, minutes, hours, daily, and yearly. Remember, “the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”. The science of today is the technology of tomorrow. …
     Positive mental attitude philosophically is being optimistic disposer in every situation in one’s life which attracts positive changes and increases achievement in a state of mind that continues to seek, find and execute ways to win, or find a desirable outcome, regardless of the circumstances, optimism and hope are vital to the development of  positive mental attitude, Note, positive mental attitude  opposes hopelessness, pessimistic, defeatism. “If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. …” Never give up. …

     Positive mental  attitude personnel increase achievement through optimistic thought processes. Positive mental attitude dux observation learning in the environment and is partially achieved when a vision of good natured change in the mind is applied toward people, circumstances, events, or behaviours. Although, positive attitude might seem difficult to measure, but the effects can be considered a philosophy and a way to approach life. “Your true age is determined by your mental attitude, not by the number of years you’ve lived”. Dream as if you’ll live forever.

“Only positive mental attitude make best place”

🅰️ Team Foundation


“A Man without a clear goal is a clear goat without destination.”


Goals, Respect, and Legacy Wisdom

There is a single quality that is key to success in all facets of life: respect.

Whether you are a stay-at-home parent or a wealthy business owner, you can’t have productive, positive interactions without respect. You could be the most qualified applicant for a job and still be denied it if you show disrespect for your superiors. Even if you’re a grade-A student, you have to respect your teacher’s feedback if you want to succeed.

Respect is a delicate thing. Don’t let these three traits cause others to lose respect for you:

Failure to Listen

Everyone likes to be heard. It’s why we all learned to talk as young kids, and it’s how we get along as adults.

Someone who fails to acknowledge others’ ideas can’t expect their own to be taken seriously. An employee who doesn’t feel like his manager cares about his input is less likely to volunteer innovation ideas. Children who sense their parents don’t listen to them will stop asking them for answers and will instead turn to other sources.

My industry, marketing, is supposed to be great at communication. And yet, I can’t count the number of projects I’ve seen stall simply because someone wasn’t listening to directions. It’s frustrating, and worse, it’s entirely preventable.

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is the ability of someone to share and understand the feelings of another. And it’s just as important, if not more, for leaders than for everyone else.

Breaking Your Promises

Our words mean very little if they are not backed by actions. Even leaders make mistakes, but repeat mismatches between what we say and what we do cause others to lose respect for us.

We make little promises here and there every day. Appointments, for example, are commitments we make that others expect us to honor. If we fail to show up without giving advance notice, we’ve wasted their time. Our behavior conveys disrespect for them, which causes them to lose respect for us.

The solution to this is simple: Make good on your promises. People notice when you are true to your word, and they’ll be more likely to trust and respect you because of it.

Yes, life can be unpredictable. If something does come up unexpectedly, it takes just a little time to notify others of your situation. This prevents them from wondering why you would be so inconsiderate of their time.

These are not the only traits that can cause others to lose respect for you, but they’re certainly a start. Treating others respectfully results in reciprocation of that respect. Respect is what builds relationships, and strong relationships produce a better life for you and a better world around you.

SOURCE: Forbes 10th February, 2020

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

Business Opportunity Training

Our presentation on Network Marketing/ MLm business with guest @Kedihealthcare Ltd Akure Training center Building 🏫 Impacting Positive Innovation & Idea Manifest Network marketing – also known as multi-level marketing (shortly MLM) – is a business model that depends on person-to-person sales by independent representatives. It often involves building a network of business partners to…

March New Month Wishes 🙏

A new month signifies a new beginning, growth and renewal. Let us be filled with optimism, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose, ready to make the most of the opportunities by wising our better half, sister, brother, friends, business partners, in short our loved ones a New Month Full of Opportunities & Dreams. 🅰️ Team…

Happy New Year 🎉

A new month signifies a new beginning, growth and renewal. Let us be filled with optimism, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose, ready to make the most of the opportunities by wising our better half, sister, brother, friends, business partners, in short our loved ones a New Month Full of Opportunities & Dreams. 🅰️ Team…



Are We Willing to Invest in Others?

You may build a beautiful house,but eventually it will crumble. You may develop a fine career,but one day it will be over. You may save a great sum of money,but you can’t take it with you. You may be in superb health today,but in time it will decline. You may take pride in your accomplishments,but someone will surpass you. Relationships are like anything else. The return you get depends on what you invest. @Alabs_Dee1


EVENTS 🗣️Alabi Olatunde Bamidele✨

Application Of knowledge is Wisdom 🦋


Business Minded Owners Training 💭

Rating: 5 out of 5.
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm


  hours  minutes  seconds



Business Opportunity Training

Our presentation on Network Marketing/ MLm business with guest @Kedihealthcare Ltd Akure Training center Building 🏫

Impacting Positive Innovation & Idea Manifest

Distributors Audience @ #Kedihealthcare Center

Network marketing – also known as multi-level marketing (shortly MLM) – is a business model that depends on person-to-person sales by independent representatives. It often involves building a network of business partners to generate leads and close sales deals.

“The richest people in the world build networks; everyone else is trained to look for work.”

🅰️ Team Foundation

“Network marketing gives you the opportunity to face your fears, deal with them, overcome them, and bring out the winner that you have living inside you.”………… Century“We found that one business model stood out from the rest. This particular business model creates passive income, but requires relatively little cash investment to start up. It has very low overhead, and can be operated on a flexible part-time basis until it generates enough cash flow for the entrepreneur to transition out of his current full-time job. That business model is called network marketing…” – The Business of the 21st Century

“If I were starting my entrepreneurial career all over again, I would start with a network marketing or direct sales business, not for the money, but for the real world business training I could receive, training similar to the type of training my rich dad gave me.” – Rich Dad’s Before You Quit Your Job: Ten Real-Life Lessons Every Entrepreneur Should Know About Building a Multimillion-Dollar Business

1. Passive Income: MLM or network marketing partnering allows individuals to earn passive income by building a network of distributors who sell products or services. As the network grows, individuals can earn commissions on the sales made by their downline.

2. Flexibility: MLM or network marketing partnering offers individuals the flexibility to work from anywhere and at any time. This allows individuals to work around their existing commitments and create a work schedule that suits their lifestyle.

3. Personal Development: MLM or network marketing partnering provides individuals with the opportunity to develop their communication, leadership, and sales skills. By working with a team and building a network, individuals can enhance their personal development and grow as entrepreneurs.

4. Low Start-Up Costs: MLM or network marketing partnering typically requires a low initial investment compared to starting a traditional business. This makes it accessible to individuals who may not have the capital to start a business from scratch.

5. Support and Training: MLM or network marketing companies often provide their distributors with training, support, and resources to help them succeed. This can include marketing materials, product information, and mentorship from experienced distributors.

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March New Month Wishes 🙏

A new month signifies a new beginning, growth and renewal. Let us be filled with optimism, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose, ready to make the most of the opportunities by wising our better half, sister, brother, friends, business partners, in short our loved ones a New Month Full of Opportunities & Dreams.

🅰️ Team Foundation®

The month of March is the third month of the year that brings hope, joy, peace and undiluted happiness. It is a month that brings to us a promise of renewal and growth for countless opportunities accompanied by fresh beginnings. So why don’t you seize the opportunity to wish that special person in your life a New Month Wishes.

As the sun rises on a new month, may it bring warmth to your heart and light to your path.

🅰️ Team Foundation®

🤌🏼 Make a difference this New season by Marching into positive change, thousands ways are always opening when the opportunity heart is willing, don’t limit yourself even when God in heaven didn’t limit himself(HE created you in HIS own image), remember you are God form in human, be productive, realizable, visionary, dependable, positive, and realistic in your goals. Stand to make a difference, stand to face challenge because every challenges are great opportunities for success, develop the attitude of winning, learning, developing, and recreating………….. Click for post 🌐

Starting of a new month provides the perfect opportunity to hit a new start and get seriously motivated about your goals. You can use every day of this month to make a difference.

 Practicing Self-Care:
To live your best life, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and personal well-being. Take the time. #Alabs_Dee1 #Newmonth #March #2024 #Celebraton #Newday
#Like #follow #Share #Thanks

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Happy New Year 🎉

A new month signifies a new beginning, growth and renewal. Let us be filled with optimism, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose, ready to make the most of the opportunities by wising our better half, sister, brother, friends, business partners, in short our loved ones a New Month Full of Opportunities & Dreams.

🅰️ Team Foundation®

The month of March is the third month of the year that brings hope, joy, peace and undiluted happiness. It is a month that brings to us a promise of renewal and growth for countless opportunities accompanied by fresh beginnings. So why don’t you seize the opportunity to wish that special person in your life a New Month Wishes.

As the sun rises on a new month, may it bring warmth to your heart and light to your path.

🅰️ Team Foundation®

🤌🏼 Make a difference this New season by Marching into positive change, thousands ways are always opening when the opportunity heart is willing, don’t limit yourself even when God in heaven didn’t limit himself(HE created you in HIS own image), remember you are God form in human, be productive, realizable, visionary, dependable, positive, and realistic in your goals. Stand to make a difference, stand to face challenge because every challenges are great opportunities for success, develop the attitude of winning, learning, developing, and recreating………….. Click for post 🌐

Starting of a new month provides the perfect opportunity to hit a new start and get seriously motivated about your goals. You can use every day of this month to make a difference.

 Practicing Self-Care:
To live your best life, it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and personal well-being. Take the time. #Alabs_Dee1 #Newmonth #March #2024 #Celebraton #Newday
#Like #follow #Share #Thanks

Continue reading “Happy New Year 🎉”

Merry Christmas 🎄

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year In Advance

May this Christmas bring joy and blessings into your life. May you find peace and happiness in the company of loved ones, and may all your wishes and dreams come true. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!


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December 🎁🎊


December is a month that holds a special place in our hearts. It marks the end of a year filled with memories, experiences, and lessons. The arrival of this festive month brings with it a sense of anticipation and excitement as we prepare to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new.

It’s a time when the world is brimming with joy and happiness. Streets are adorned with bright lights, homes are filled with the aromas of holiday treats, and laughter can be heard echoing through the air. December truly is a season of celebration.

Regardless of the challenges we may be facing, let us come together and rejoice in the spirit of togetherness. It’s a time to embrace the new month as a blank canvas, ready to be filled with beautiful moments, accomplishments, and joy. As we reflect on the year gone by, let us cherish the memories we have created and the lessons we have learned.

One of the true joys of December is the opportunity to share these beautiful moments with our loved ones. Whether it’s gathering around a cozy fireplace, exchanging heartfelt gifts, or simply enjoying a warm cup of cocoa together, the importance of human connection cannot be understated. It’s a time to reconnect with friends, family, and loved ones, and to strengthen those bonds that bring us happiness and support throughout the year.

Moreover, as we enter this new month, we should not forget the power of hope. December offers us a chance to renew our spirits and look forward to the future with optimism. It’s a time to set new goals, make plans for personal growth, and envision a brighter tomorrow. No matter what challenges lie ahead, the belief in our own potential and the determination to overcome obstacles will guide us towards success.

In the hustle and bustle of December, let us also remember the importance of self-care. Amidst the preparations and celebrations, it is essential to take moments for ourselves. Whether it’s indulging in a good book, going for a peaceful walk, or simply taking a deep breath, we must prioritize our own well-being. By nurturing ourselves, we can better serve others and fully enjoy the joyful moments that this season brings.

So let us embrace December with open arms and hearts full of gratitude. Let us celebrate together, no matter the challenges we are facing. This month is a precious gift that allows us to create lasting memories, strengthen bonds, and unleash our potential. As we embark on this journey, may we remember to spread love, kindness, and joy to all. Here’s to a December filled with beautiful moments and a future filled with endless possibilities.

Wishing you all a joyful and blessed December!

🅰️ Team Foundation

Continue reading “December 🎁🎊”

November 💥

Delightful New Month 💥

🅰️ Team Foundation®

Every New Month has its own surprises, expectations, enjoyment, excitement, and, of course, challenges, however, it’s November and the month is packed with a lot of exciting opportunities, so we are taking this moment to wish you “renewed energy, hope, and success in all your endeavors,” so embracing opportunities, staying positive, and cherishing shared moments in the new month.

New Month Significance A chance to start fresh, brimming with enthusiasm and positivity.


November has arrived, bringing with it a sense of anticipation and excitement for the opportunities that lie ahead. It is a time for us to embrace new beginnings, relish in shared moments, and face challenges head-on.

As we step into this fresh chapter, I want to take a moment to wish you renewed energy, hope, and success in all your endeavors. May this month bring you countless moments of joy, fulfillment, and triumph. Let us seize each day as a chance to grow, learn, and make a positive impact.

In the fast-paced world we live in, it is so important to stop and appreciate the small pleasures that surround us. Take the time to savor each success, no matter how small, and cherish the connections we have with one another. Together, we can achieve great things.

While we may encounter obstacles along the way, let us remember that challenges are opportunities in disguise. Let us stay positive, resilient, and focused on our goals. With determination and perseverance, we can overcome any hurdle that comes our way.

As we embark on this journey together, I want to express my gratitude for your unwavering support, dedication, and enthusiasm. Your contributions are invaluable, and I am privileged to work alongside such an extraordinary team.

Here’s to a delightful new month filled with endless possibilities, growth, and moments that make our hearts sing. Let us make the most of this incredible opportunity and create a November to remember.

Wishing you all the best in this exciting journey!

Continue reading “November 💥”

October 🌳

Fruitful New Month 🍇


New month stands for a refreshing beginning towards greatness, our positive inner thoughts are productive when it’s action backup internally, this is to encourage you to write ✍️ on your heart that everyday is the best day in this new month, so let your vibes for success be positive.

“Think, Practice, Keep it up, Focus, Success “


Be 🅰️ Leader
Continue reading “October 🌳”

September 💥

🅰️ Team Foundation ®

September is a beautiful month. The leaves are beginning to change color and the air is brisk and refreshing.

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go, Let’s strive to be better than the best in September!”

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August 💥

Happy New Month 💥

As we begin a new month, it is important to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the present, grateful for the blessings in our lives and look forward to the opportunities that the future holds. Wishing someone a happy new month is a great way to show them that you care and that you are thinking of them. It is a reminder that they are not alone in their journey, and that they have someone who supports them and wants to see them succeed. It is also a way to share in the excitement and anticipation of what the new month has in store for us. So, let’s embrace the new month with open arms and make the most of it.

June 🍂

As June ends and the beginning of July is on the horizon, New month is an opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings. As we say goodbye to the June and welcome July, it is a chance to reflect on our goals, our progress, and our aspirations. It is a time to set new intentions and make plans for the future.

It is important to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the present. We can be grateful for the blessings in our lives and look forward to the opportunities that the future holds. We can also take time to appreciate the simple things in life, such as the warmth of the sun, the beauty of nature, and the company of loved ones.

Wishing you happy new month is a great way to show them that you care and that you are thinking of them. It is a reminder that they are not alone in their journey, and that they have someone who supports them and wants to see them succeed. It is also a way to share in the excitement and anticipation of what the new month has in store for us. So, let’s embrace the new month with open arms and make the most of it.

Welcome to July with a smile and with zest.

🅰 Team Foundation®


Rating: 4 out of 5.
Continue reading “June 🍂”
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